![]() If you are a police officer, a fan of the drug war, hate medical marijuana, love taxes, or hate guns you will probably love Kyrsten Sinema. If you have ever met Kyrsten Sinema she is a very sweat, nice, person who can talk for hours on end and make you feel perfectly at home with her. When you talk to Kyrsten Sinema she certainly doesn't sound like a person who wants to take your guns, on a person who thinks she owns every cent in your wallet, or a person who would want to put a tax on medical marijuana that would make it impossible for medical marijuana patients to afford their medicine. But all you have to do is look at her voting record in Arizona as a member of the Arizona House and you will see that see appears to have the voting record of a tax and spend, gun grabbing socialist who supports the insane drug war.
Kyrsten Sinema - U.S. Representative, Arizona, District 9 U.S. Representative, Arizona, District 9 (Since 2013) Kyrsten Sinema was born in Tucson, Ariz., and has lived in Phoenix since 1995. She attended Arizona State University where she earned a master's in social work, a law degree and a doctorate in justice studies. She practices criminal defense law in Phoenix and also is an adjunct professor at ASU's School of Social Work. Sinema served three terms as a representative in the Arizona Legislature and was the assistant leader to the House Democratic Caucus from 2009 to 2010. She was elected to the state Senate in 2010 but resigned in early 2012 to seek a seat in Arizona's newly created 9th Congressional District. Sinema ran unsuccessfully for the state Legislature in 2002 and for the Phoenix City Council in 2001, both times as an independent candidate. She is single. Birthday: July 12, 1976 Hometown: Tucson, AZ, United States Alma Mater: JD from Arizona State University; MA from Arizona State University; PhD from Arizona State University Web site: http://kyrstensinema.com/ |