Arizona State Logo
Arizona State Logo

Arizona the most racist state in the Union!

Move aside Alabama, Georgia, and Mississippi! Arizona is kicking ass and we are now the most racist state in the Union. The voters have spoken in racist Arizona! Mexicans, Latinos and anyone with brown skin isn’t wanted in racist Arizona.

YES by 78% on Prop. 100 - No bail for illegal immigrants

YES by 73% on Prop. 102 - No punitive damage for illegal immigrants in lawsuits

YES by 74% on Prop. 103 - English as state's official language

YES by 72% on Prop. 300 - Limit education services for illegal immigrants

Source Arizona Republic Nov 8, 2006
"November 2006 Election"

Prop. 100 - No bail for illegal immigrants
YES 848,577 77.9 %
NO 241,308 22.1 %

Prop. 102 - No punitive damage for illegal immigrants in lawsuits
YES 644,733 73.0 %
NO 232,566 27.0 %

Prop. 103 - English as state's official language
YES 811,929 74.4 %
NO 279,925 25.6 %

Prop. 105 - Preserve 43,000 acres of state trust lands
YES 299,847 28.8 %
NO 741,151 71.2 %

Prop. 106 - Preserve 694,000 acres of state trust lands
YES 507,417 48.4 %
NO 541,477 51.6 %

Prop. 107 - Ban same-sex marriage
YES 527,492 48.6 %
NO 558,681 51.4 %

Prop. 200 - $1 million lottery for voters
YES 361,667 33.5 %
NO 716,884 66.5 %

Prop. 201 - Ban smoking in restaurants, bars
YES 593,872 54.1 %
NO 504,212 45.9 %

Prop. 202 - Raise minimum wage
YES 719,700 65.7 %
NO 376,340 34.3 %

Prop. 204 - Ban small cages for pigs, calves
YES 667,002 61.5 %
NO 418,237 38.5 %

Prop. 206 - Ban smoking in restaurants, not bars
YES 464,677 42.6 %
NO 625,890 57.4 %

Prop. 300 - Limit education services for illegal immigrants
YES 772,294 71.7 %
NO 305,097 28.3 %

Official Dress Wear of the State of Arizona
Official Dress Wear of the State of Arizona