You have to have a government issued photo ID to sell stuff in Phoenix!!!
"Solicitors who are 16 and older must carry a driver's license, passport or other government-issued identification" - Hmmm ... I don't have a government issued photo ID. Does that mean the city of Phoenix will issue me one???? Door-to-door solicitors in Phoenix have hours cut back by Ofelia Madrid - Oct. 14, 2011 06:38 AM The Arizona Republic Shorter days in October mean a shorter window for door-to-door solicitations in Phoenix. In March, the Phoenix City Council passed a solicitation ordinance that prevents people from knocking on doors between 9 p.m. to 9 a.m. through September. But from Oct. 1 to March 31, the hours are 7 p.m. to 9 a.m. Phoenix is believed to be the first Valley city to impose guidelines on door-to-door solicitation, said Brandie Ishcomer, a management assistant in the Phoenix City Manager's Office. "Council members were getting complaints that people were going door to door, acting in suspicious ways and not leaving when they were asked," Ishcomer said. [ Trespassing already is illegal. Why did the city of Phoenix pass a second law making it illegal twice? ] The ordinance came after months of discussion from a housing and neighborhood committee working with law enforcement and local companies that rely on that type of marketing. Phoenix police have created a new radio code to keep track of specific complaints on door-to-door solicitation, Ishcomer said. Police were unable to provide the number of citations issued since the ordinance took effect in April. Ishcomer, who has fielded a handful of phone calls and e-mails asking about the guidelines, expects a six-month review to be issued soon. Many times, Ishcomer hears from folks who don't know what to do when a solicitor doesn't obey the "no solicitation" sign posted in front. She tells them the same thing. If they feel threatened, do not hesitate to call 911. However, if they are not in imminent danger, use the police's non-emergency Crime Stop number, 602-262-6151. The ordinance doesn't outlaw door-to-door solicitation. Instead, it creates hours of operation and defines it, Ishcomer said. Guidelines include: - Solicitors who are 16 and older must carry a driver's license, passport or other government-issued identification. If a resident asks to see an ID, the solicitor must provide it. - Anyone, including solicitors, must leave the premises if a resident tells them to leave or if a sign is posted warning against trespassing. [ Trespassing already is illegal. Why did the city of Phoenix pass a second law making it illegal twice? ] - Solicitors are prohibited from touching any windows on a property and from passing through the gate of a property where a sign is posted warning against trespassers. - Solicitors are barred from falsely claiming they have a government-issued business license, a regulatory license or a tax license. - Violations of the new city solicitation laws are punishable as a misdemeanor. An individual convicted of a violation could be sentenced to up to six months behind bars and ordered to pay of a fine of up to $2,500. A business convicted of a violation could face fines as high as $25,000. |