Here is a news story about a cop who kicked a gangbanger in the face after he laid down on the ground with his arms and legs outstretched. This site seems to be a place where cops hang out and it is amazing that almost all of them think their is nothing wrong with kicking a criminal in the face to punish him. A few cops thought it was wrong but they were the minority!
FBI Investigation Launched In Officer Kick June 28, 2009 EL MONTE, CA – The Federal Bureau of Investigation today will begin an investigation into whether the El Monte Police Department violated the civil rights of a high-speed chase suspect who was kicked in the face after his surrender, authorities said. FBI spokeswoman Laura Eimiller said the findings would be sent to the civil rights division of the U.S. Department of Justice to determine if further investigation is needed or prosecution warranted. Richard Rodriguez, a 23-year-old gang member, led police on a high-speed chase last month on freeways and city streets that ended when he lost control of his car and crashed into a sport utility vehicle in Pico Rivera. News helicopters airing the chase showed Rodriguez bolting from the wreck and running into a backyard, where he was cornered by El Monte police officers. It was there, seconds after he threw himself on the ground with his arms and legs outstretched, that El Monte Police Officer George Fierro kicked Rodriguez in the face. While Rodriguez was being handcuffed, a second officer struck him with a flashlight. Rodriguez was booked on suspicion of felony evasion and a possible parole violation, authorities said. He is being held in L.A. County jail in lieu of $135,000 bail.
Comments posted by cops who hang out at this web site - the web master I only grabbed the first 50 or so comments. A few hundred comments probably exist. If this many cops think it is OK to illegally beat the krap out of someone they think is a criminal don't you think it wouldn't bother most cops to plant evidence to convict someone they consider a scumbag? I really think it is impossible for a person who is in the wrong place at the wrong time and gets arrested for something he didn't do to get a fair trial with cops this corrupt!
miranda8850 Well I will play the Devils Advocate here and go out on a limb but, I think three things have happened in this incident. First, the Officer had his head up his Ass by kicking the suspect when he was down "not resisting", and was giving up. Nobody is saying the Officers did not do a great Job, went home safe, and I do not blame the Officer for taking a shot, ETC, ETC. What I am saying is He obviously had good Hearing and when you hear a Helicopter overhead, don't do something Stupid. Have We all forgot " Rodney King " already? I for one have not, I got shot at one to many times during that Riot. Second, the Officer made the Asshole into a very " Rich" Asshole, and third, Beside having to spend countless hours in Court defending himself with Money He and his Family cannot afford to spend, His Department is going to throw him to the wolves, and he may just go to Jail over this. Rodney King got a lot of money and the Officers went to Jail !!! Sorry, I feel the Officer envolved is going to bite the Bullet on this one, no matter how We as Law Enforcement feel about it. Not Good!!! power23774 You got that shxt right they need too stay out of police business, back in the days , we did not have that problem, beating a few ass in the days in the 80's then take ass to the hosp then jail..Everybody had they story right in the report. ruds120 well done officers, glad everyone made it home that night. bobby007 Wow what a bunch of crap, dont the FBI have anything better to do?, This guy has a extensive record of gang banging, robbery, grand theft, assault, I can go on and led the police on a high speed chase, I bet if any body would have gotten hurt during the chase (public) no one would be talking about the kick. I have a solution deport his ass out of the country, DONE DEALS. amramhakohen FBI: bunch of panty-waist, pointy-headed intellectuals with no common sense or field experience. All of thier agents are "special". gunnerv2 Come on guys, remember, if you want to "dot" one of the scumbags, make sure the "chopper' is not overhead! sgtlt The officer did a great job! If we could bring back this way of policing, the U.S. would not be in the shambles it is in today. The problem is with all the bleeding hearts. The offender chose his fate when he ran. Law enforcment officers today not only have to worry about the bad guys, but the supposed good guys to. WE ARE DOOMED! epdofc75 Those news choppers need to be told to stay clear of POLICE business!!!!!!!!!!!! The FBI needs to mind their own and go after the real bad guys not cops!!!!!!!!!!!! DD78 What is wrong with this country when the full force of the FBI is brought to bear to convict a cop on behalf of a career criminal who has shown no regard for the welfare or lives of the public? It's a sad commentary. ChrisO Its so sad to hear this. Silent_Observer The FBI is only involved because the officer's own department couldn't hold somebody responsible for a blatant lack of judgment. Rule of law does not permit such behavior. I don't feel bad for the guy who got kicked - he probably deserved it and more. But it was still wrong. jralaska20 This is why news will always be against us. They think they are high and mighty because There adrenalin is not flowing. There are plenty of unknown factors however, they are not interested in that. Once again Vietnam is reigning supreme. We could have won that war if the media stayd out of it. Yes there is professionalism issues but the FBI? c'mon thats overkill. FBI needs to be tracking terrorist that cross our boarders. Yes the officer had a bad choice so lets restrict him in his duties for however long deemed necessary. Write an apology to the felon and leave it out of the courts. He is just a money grubbing waste of oxygen. barryedaniel His civil right was violated the suspect surrender there was no call for kick him in the face. This could cause the officer loose there job and the state money in law suited . bill9823 Thank you flavocin jmmartin I will say this one more time and then I am done until the investigation is complete. I hate the fact that this is getting dragged out. I hope the Officer comes out of all of this OK. I know that we have a professional standard to hold ourselves to, but if a few more of these gang bangers would have got their ass's beat as children, we might not have the high numbers that we have today. It kills me that society is so quick with the knee jerk reaction to point fingers. Wait until one of these hypocrits is the victim of a gang realted crime; I want to see how quickly they come to support the bastards then. BlueKnight25 HOLY SMOKES PEOPLE COME ON, JESUS!!!!!!! Okay, the officer made a mistake, punish him by setting him on desk duty for a month or two and let him get back on his duty. This is pathetic and THE BIGGEST waste of US resources. COME ON, YES the officer was wrong in doing so, there is proof to back it up but GET OVER and MOVE ON!!!!!! MORONS flavocin I'm very sorry for my last post.I had no right calling anyone names,LOE's are here to protect us and it is one of the hardest jobs around,who knows what was going on that day or any other.I did not mean any disrespect,my entire family is in law enforcement,after seeing the video I didn't think first,again please forgive me and GOD BLESS YOU ALL. bartlett705 No one knows what the gang member was saying to the officers, or threatening. Let's not forget he just led officers on a high speed chase and continued to run after the accident. He is not an upstanding member of society. kadan Unforunately, it does look like the officer had no reason to kick the gang member. However, we cannot hear what is being said, or threatened by the gang member. I have to agree, if the child were punished at home, most likely we wouldn't have this problem. Of course, I was all for not following the Geneva Convention in Gitmo, so... valentine I would like to see the ACLU protect our rights some time. AS a healthcare professional, I have the same problems too- it's always our fault! If I were to guess, I would say that the officer didn't mean to do it, his foot slipped... orcoast14 I don't see how the ACLU can protect the rights of these alleged gang members. They are the ones who put everyone else in danger by their actions.. They should have NO RIGHTS!!!!!! I support the El MONTE (CA) Police Department on this one.. TO:jst4all,I bet u would be singing a different tune if this guy or any gang member committed a crime against u or your family.. I bet u would do the same thing to this guy... JRODTACLET WTF over! jmcderman this is why no one wants to get into law enforcement. i wonder if the aclu or the justice center will charge that gang member for violating the rights of everyone he put in danger while he was running,but dont hold your breath.we have lost complete control of right and wrong in this country.thats the whole problem the criminals dont fear the police anymore.if theses thugs would have had their asses kicked when they were growing up we wouldnt be in this shape. jst4all It sounds like a bit of excessive force and police brutality to me. Have you ever heard the saying,"don't kick a dog, when it is down." It also sounds like the law enforcement individuals involved may need some anger management classes, as well. It maybe a little bit of ego, that obviously went to their heads. This is what gives the other good law enforcement personnel a bad name. I feel, it should be investigated and should not go unnoticed. If they are found guilty of this, then I feel, that they should receive the max. punishment. Adladle What the hell is going on with the justice system now days? The flashlight, possibly too much. The kick, to make sure he didn't try anything. You never know. lonewolf007 bs may they should take these gang members home with them bbn12 I really do wonder what is the problem, he's the bad guy, that kicking will probably do more good than some limp wristed sandle wearing liberal fining him $20 and sending him home. ewmuse Sounds like a load of crap to me. The gang member gave up his rights when he fled officers and put their lives and the lives of innocents in danger. Japasa2255 People will like it even less when we just let the thugs go, instead of chasing them down. 1skateblue It was going over by kicking him but I thought it was funny and he deserves it for running away. Fester801 Back in the day, if you ran from the Police you were sure to get a tune-up. That was the deterent to commit crimes and then run away. Some have said that the few shots he took will be all the punishment he gets, and y'all are probably right. As liberal as the courts and DA's are getting these days, we may have to resort to a little street justice to keep the people we are paid to protect safe and deter some of these turds from harming others. We certainly can't depend on the courts and elected officials to do it. Thank you, that is all... sullyman I totally concur with scsok9 's statement. Happens way to often! scsok9 I am not one to question the actions of any officer because I was not on the scene and do not have the whole background. The video does not look good and looks like the officer got caught up in the moment. The sad thing is all of the horrible things that gang members do with very little news coverage because it happpens all of the time, but a gang member gets kicked and the news has a field day. It is going to lead to more fights and shootings because the gang members deffense will become that he was afraid that he was going to be beat up. I hope everything works out for the officer and the entire cituation is taken into consideration rather than just the kick. canemah The kick and flashlight are probably the only punishment he'll receive in this day and age. EatSand well I don't know what there is to investigate?? The officer clearly assaulted the gang member with his foot. The other officer clearly assaulted the gang member with an object. The other officer clearly rewarded his K9 with a close sniff of the gang members legs and feet. All in all if the camera was not there, do you think the officer would have been honest about the kicking?? The Officer could have rammed his car and killed the gang member, given admin leave and would would all say cool crash, we got em! a kick to the head ain't that bad.... tdelucca I agree with most of you, I thingk a good blow to the face does the body good. Gang members are idiots and should be treated harder then the small time crook. rwohlsein the way i was always trained was that when u got someone on the ground after a chase, u give them a distraction blow, usually to the face when taking them into custody. keeps them from doing anything further stupid. i bet these cops were trained the same, plus its not like this gang member didnt deserve it. DRKNTE Sorry guys I despise Gang members also. But we did take an oath. If you are presented with an opportunity to handle a situation with force you should be prepared to do so swiftly and lawfully up to and not limited to deadly force. But if your crook gives up just cuff him or her up and write a great report. Especially when its on live TV.....Of course I wasnt there and didnt see what the suspect was doing to possibly cause the actions of the Officer, so just a reminder for some. Oh and I'm glad that some people arent cops. Oh DC finest he didnt kill someone from what it sounds and COPS are the GOOD GUYS/GIRLS and should never just as you say kick @** without having a lawful purpose in protecting themselves or someone else when its over its over, so say goodbye to your house, toys and job with that attitude. RdnkFireDad ATTENTION TO ALL !!!!!!!!! The use of bad or foul language will not be tolerated. If you want to debate and talk about this issue then do so without swearing. If you are caught swearing then you can and will be sanctioned.. Moderator #5 DC_finest I say kick his ass harder!!! GANGMEMBERS dont deserve special treatment!!!! He could of killed someone while driving at a high rate of speed!!!!!! I hope this officer learns lesson... If he is going to kick someone do it when no one is looking!! Control1 WELL BOY AND AND GIRLS, AS I HAVE SAID MANY TIMES BEFORE, YOUR ACTIONS ARE SEEN BY ALL REGARDLESS OF WHAT YOU THINK MAY THINK. THE KICK IS THE ONLY THING THE MEDIA, THE MONDAY MORNING QUARTER BACKS, AND THE GENERAL PUBLIC IS GOING TO SEE. I WAS NOT THERE, BUT I HAVE BEEN IN SITUATIONS SIMILAR TO THIS, BUT I KEPT IN MIND THAT I HAD TO CONTROL MYSELF, MAINTAINING MY PROFESSIONALISM NEVER LET IT SLIP FROM YOUR MIND, NEVER DO ANYTHING THAT YOU WOULD NOT DO IN FRONT OF AN AUDIENCE OF THE PUBLIC THAT YOU PROTECT. REGARDLESS OF THIS SUSPECTS GANG AFFILIATION, CRIMINAL RECORD, OR GENERAL ATTITUDE TOWARD THE PUBLIC, HE STILL, (THOUGH HE MAY NOT DESERVE THEM), HAS ALL THE RIGHTS AFFORDED TO HIM BY OUR CONSTITUTION, WHICH WE TAKE AN OATH TO UP HOLD AND PROTECT. ALSO REMEMBER THAT THE MEDIA HOPES THAT WE AS LEO'S WILL DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS, IT LEADS TO A BOOST IN RATINGS, MEANING MORE FACE TIME FOR THE REPORTERS LIKE RICK SANCHEZ WITH CNN. THE MAN LIKES TO INSTIGATE THINGS, ASKING QUESTIONS INCINUATING RACIAL MOTIVES FOR ACTIONS TAKEN BY POLICE. A PERFECT EXAMPLE WAS THE COP ON COP SHOOTING IN NEW YORK, WHERE AN OFF DUTY OFFICER WAS SHOT BY A DETECTIVE. THE QUESTION OF RACE WAS VISITED NOT ONCE OR TWICE BUT FOUR TIMES, BECAUSE THE DETECTIVE WAS WHITE AND THE OFF DUTY OFFICER WAS BLACK, BUT SANCHEZ JUST CONTINUED TO HAMMER THE RACE ISSUE REGARDLESS OF THE RESPONSE FROM THE NYPD REP. WE ARE LOOKED UPON AS THE BAD GUYS, WE HAVE ALL BEEN ASSAULTED, SPAT ON, AND HAVE HAD LIES TOLD ABOUT OUR ACTIONS. MOST OF THE TIME THE LIES ARE PROVEN TO BE JUST THAT, AND WE PROSECUTE THE ASSAULTS AS WELL AS THE UNFORTUNATE HOMICIDES OF OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS. HOWEVER WE NEED TO REMAIN VIGILANT, IN OUR PERFORMANCE BECAUSE WE NEED PREVENT AS MUCH BAD PRESS AS POSSIBLE, AND NO LONGER PROVIDE THE CIVIL RIGHTS GROUPS AMMUNITION TO INTRODUCE CASE LAW THAT CONTINUES TO REDUCE THE EFFICENCY OF OUR EFFORTS TO CONTROL CRIMINAL ACTIVITY. AS FAR AS THE HIGH 5'S, WELL JOB WELL DONE YES, BUT WE ALL KNOW HOW THINGS ARE PERCEIVED, AND THE BLEEDING HEARTS WILL LOOK AT IT AS THOUGH THE OFFICERS WERE CELEBRATING THE USE OF FORCE TO EFFECT THE ARREST NOT THE ARREST OF AN IDIOT, WHO ENDANGERED THE LIVES OF COUNTLESS PEOPLE. sO JUST KEEP IT IN MIND PEOPLE, CELL PHONES, HAND HELDS, AND NEWS CHOPPERS, HAVE VIDO CAMERAS, AND THEY ARE ALL LOOKING TO GET INTO THE LIMELIGHT, AND THEY DONT CARE IF THEY RUIN YOUR CAREER, OUR YOUR LIFE TO GET IT. mekeablue "ryer46, I have to agree with you.....I am not going to sit here and read through all of these comments....but I do know that this peice of shit deserved to get his head kicked.... maybe if he had gotten an ass kicking or two back when he was younger this kinda of shit wouldn't be happening...I am not a police officer, would love to be...but I chose to become a mother of four boys instead and let me tell you right now my 10 year old thinks about doing something like this in the future, he won't have to worry about what the cops do to him...I'd be the one kicking him in the head. Point being sometimes a little more force is needed when dirt bags like this do stupid shit.... He should have thought about the consequences of his actions before he broke the law!!!!" BHenry1969 "I can't imagine how the officer involved can justify this kick-- " Maybe because you weren't there? Think that might make a difference? The video's posted on YouTube ( if anyone cares to see it. It sure looks like the cop in question punted the thug's head for no reason--and that would be fine with me!--but there's a small problem: we're seeing the incident from a hundred feet up. We're not seeing it through his eyes, so we don't know what was going on. There's a world of difference between what the police see and perceive and what untrained observers after the fact see. Hell, I say kick him again. opdse312 In my twenty seven years of Police work AND being a Deputy Sheriff,I have NEVER known of an F.B.I.agent who has been required to face a gang member OR most likely gang MEMBERS.I am cognizant that ,under kaw they are required to investigate such action/actions.The tragedy ,quite frankly is,the officer probably got caught.I'm of the opinion that ALL gang members should be kicked,HARD and FREQUENTLY.I know I shall receive numerous negative comments about this en re to my sour attitude or what a terrible leo I must have been.Any of the rest of you ever served seventeen years of your career,in the ghetto,facing gang members on a daily basis????? ondemand Yeap......... according to the story, the LEO was wrong, however, thats just the info we are given on this end. You weren't there so you don't know. USDOJ need to be sending that man power to all of these departments that are laying off LEO's and see if there is something they can help the cheif/sheriff do to maintain and bring aboard more LEO's. Tell the FBI to investigate that and stimulate these budgets to keeps thes LEOs job and hire more LEO's so you can have more of presents that Mr. Gangbanger will not be out so strong to get kick in his head. BTPD451 none of us were there.....stop pretending to be admin and monday morning quaterbacking this. allen235 The sad truth is that the monday morning quarterbacks will always judge us no matter how good a job we do. Police work is a unforgiving job. It has a horrible side that only officers have to see. the ones who want to judge us will never understand the real side of things. Dont judge the officer ....If you have never walked in his shoes...look back a few weeks ago when two officers tasered a guy and when he was on the ground he pulled out a gun and shot them. there is always danger!!! The officer here did what he needed to do! crmstpr357 I can't imagine how the officer involved can justify this kick-- the bad guy was spread eagle and posing NO threat at this point-- and the officer took the time to give him an extra-judicial kick in the head. THIS is not the way to reward a criminal for what should have been an easy handcuffing. He gave up--- later than he should have-- but he gave up finally. This officer had adrenaline and frustration he vented inappropriately. LEO's have to be better than this--- even when the punks deserve more than the courts will give them. Don't we want them to give up spread eagle? The struggle at the end was all a result of the kick-- if someone kicked me in the head I'd want to fight back also! ryer46 Flavocin your a dick. That guy is a gang member and would rob and cut your throat . But who gives a fuck about you anyway. In my neighborhood I want the Police to shoot that peice of shit. Lets all stop making excuses for the poor downtrodden gang member boo hoo he had a tough life. Bullshit he is a fucking cancer to society and should be killed. flavocin The cop is a loser,a wimp,kicking a man when he's not only down but arms and legs spread,allot of you say job well done,your job is so hard and everybody in blue goes home safe that day,BULLSHIT cops like that are why good cops get shot,there's no reason for that attack and I hope he's fired. MNSaunders see: I say let 'em look. This may come out okay. If this copper did the wrong thing, shame on him. However if he was justified, good let the Feds show the Nation that we sometimes gotta get ugly, because those we deal with aren't that pretty. 1st off, none of us were there, but from the air at least 2000 feet from the scene where you can't hear or even truly see the events as they unfold, the kick looks bad. However it doesn't mean that it wasn't justified. I DO NOT condone excessive or unnescesary force, but the job we do sometimes requires the use of force and we can't be afraid to use it correctly and when it's necessary. 2) I haven't seen the video, other than the kick, so I will reserve comment on the flashlight strike, but it too could have been reasonable. 3) I don't have a problem with the high 5, in & of itself. Bad guy caught, none of the good guys hurts, point for us, YAY TEAM! High 5, just like they do at any sporting event, it's a celebration. Most times "regular people" don't get us. The jokes we tell, the stories we share. To some we're different. Well HECK yes we are!!! It takes a different kind of person to stand on that wall and protect others, even those we don't know from the unknown...stuff they don't even want to know about. High 5 folks. LegAdv Good question, rmcneil. I've also wondered why, in the wake of the 1992 Los Angeles riots, the federal government was so determined to prosecute the four police officers involved in the Rodney King case, but wouldn't consider prosecuting the defendants involved in the beating of truck driver Reginald Denny, for conspiracy to violate Denny's civil rights (18 USC 241). Sly A job well done. Our brothers and sisters in blue will be going home that night, and the daily duties we see and hear, that others only see with their eyes, is so true. Gang bangers and other members hate cops and anyone affiliatied with L.E.. I have been in pursuits, searches, and assistings when they harm or threat the innocent and when you are at that point of taking them in, we hear and see all comments and jesters they say to us. From the point of arrest to transporting, and booking we deal and live with it day by day. As for the public, families, probation, proscutors, and "some" judges, they see that innocent victim, that was assaulted and mis-handle by the system. When we say stop, freeze, halt, they should listen, as their mommies would say. But all in all, our family....L.E. went home. Don't judge us. Respect our duties, dedication, and most of all our badges. If that is so hard, then they will respect ....the gun. cgidney Whether this officer was right or wrong is indifferent. It is what the camera saw. In this day and age, cameras are everywhere. No one other than the officer(s) on the ground and the suspect know for sure what happened and what led up to the kick, yet all the video shows is the kick. Everyone, not just law enforcement, should conduct themselves like there is a camera on them at all times. This is not a "big brother" paranoia, this is just a fact. Almost everyone has a cell phone, almost all cell phones have camera's on them. Be mindful of the number of cameras out there, act accordingly without sacrificing your safety. wyvern35 Im fine with this. Crime control model for the win. You want to be a punk ass banger, prepare to be shown love by the law enforcement. I wish I had an opportunity to do the same thing. jt7740 This country is going down the tubes fast. Criminals need to see a thug getting kicked in the head on tv. Not only that, they need to see this cop get an award for good police work. Maby they might think think twice about comitting crimes. It's too bad they didnt just shoot him dead and get it over with. Now he will be free to commit more crimes on the innocent. tatted_up_popogmia For all you guys who are not a cop or never been in a chase or pursuit like this then you really have no reason to judge the cops invnolved. Like some of the other guys say the camrea only caught the video and not the words. and you have to think just because hes sprawled out on the ground alot of the perps lay like waiting to make a move on a cop. these guys have no remorse on what they do to cops. if we hit them its all a bad thing but when a guy i was trying to arrest fought me and tearing almost every ligament in my knee i didnt see that making the papers or news. i had to have surgery and was out of work for 6 months and can you believe he didnt even get jail time and he was on parole for armed robbery so you guys who are not cops you tell me where the f@#king justice is. yall better sit and think about what you are replying to do the job first. im not saying this guy was right or wrong but just remember you dont know the facts. jt7740 Dont wanna get kicked in the face or hit with a flashlight? Then dont be a gang banger who leads police on a high speed chase!! Stuff like this just makes me sick. Tax dollars wasted on a punk thug that got thumped after comiting a felony...gimmie a break. maverick115 The bad guy wasdown! A few problems, 1. The kick tio the head! 2. The strike with what appears to be a flashlight. 3. The High-Five at the end! All on the News. I do not know what was said, but actions may speak louder than words. These Officers actions certainly do not equal a "Rodney King", but certainly are charactisitc all that of behavior. Emotions can get you in trouble, it is a mistake easily made, but have long term reprocusions. SOARTMAR The justification for this action can only come from the boots on the ground. What did the Officer see or hear that prompted the kick? Regardless of that, the flying camera sees all and this looks very bad. Tried in the court of public opinion, where the viewers lack the knowledge and skills of trained Officers, this dude is fried. What did the Officer say immediately after the incident? Did he see something or hear something that would place him in jeopardy? I know what I think after seeing the video, but this is where that training thing comes in, actually looking for the facts rather than relying upon what APPEARS to be the obvious. billcode7 We all know what it's like after a pursuit. This cop was all jacked up and lost his head for a second. The officer shouldn't have kicked what appeared to be a compliant suspect. However, on a personal note, these little gangster turds would jump on any chance to assault an officer, so I don't feel sorry for him. As far as the feds investigating... No comment.. lasvegascop Not only does it give law enforcement a black eye,,, but I bet that banger has one too... When you chasing a suspect like that you have to remember that the helicopter is up there with a camera, and that camera cant hear what you are saying or what the bad guy is saying. As for the FBI you have to remember that they aren't cops, never have been and never will be, so they have no idea what police work is like. The feds cant get any law enforcement work done with out the aid of locals. Doing work like this makes them feel useful in their lonely world. jshoots I would have too say the officer shouldn't have kicked him in the face even after he gave up. And people can really test police, but police has too remember to practice self-control. Cause it does nothing for the good guys and allows the criminal back on the streets. Next time a person tests you just hold your tounge or self back and let the criminal be guilty. As Jesus said whoever lives by the sword dies by the sword. Of course that has too do with the death penalty, but maybe you know what I mean. Just do what you have too do too arrest the criminal with in the law of course, cause as Romans 13 says the government says (that includes police) doesn't bare the sword in vain. flsoulja This sad to hear all you polic officer saying you should have shot him first. I am a criminal justice major and it us very sad. Comments like these make me not want to ever become a police officer. I live in Florida and we see this too often when officers take it upon themselves to kick, or punch these criminals get it together. OhioMilitaryPolice Send that cop to jail. The video is uncut and shows it was unjustified as the bad guy was down and hands were spread far apart. copper90 In response to: "Just a thought, but can anyone tell me when any federal agency investigated a criminal for violating an officer's civil rights after shooting or killing the officer?" ...the civil rights being investigated are "color of law" violations, which essentially means the government (in this case, the police) did something under the apparent authority of the law. Since most perps are not acting as government employees, there is no way to violate the color of law civil rights violations. It's sort of like trying to say a spouse violated doctor-patient confidentiality......unless they're a doctor, they just can't be guilty/liable for that action. There are other civil rights categories that may be applicable in perp-on-cop crime, but generally it's just plain old crime without a civil rights implication. fwpd_anderson Ouch... I am all for fighting a bad guy but that does not look good. If his agency cleared him why is it being further investigated? Hopefully he can verbalize his actions. Dopebuster Ok folks, are you serious? No doubt this guy is a scumbag but in this day and age kicking a compliant, unarmed suspect, proned out on the ground is not going to fly no matter where you work! I would like to hear how he justifies that kick. I can see the reasoning in the second officer striking him with his flashlight to gain compliance in getting his arm behind his back to handcuff him. This is not the old days when no doubt an extra shot to someone who deserved it was common place. This does not and cannot happen any more. This is what gives Law Enforcement a black eye. loaded_dice Never, Ever Trust a Fed......... rmcneil Just a thought, but can anyone tell me when any federal agency investigated a criminal for violating an officer's civil rights after shooting or killing the officer? lordjack The gang member got by luck because if he was in my jurisdiction he would go a lot more then kicked jjmedina1348 I guess the officer felt it was the tactic to use in this case. I cannot pass judgment until I am in his shoes. jfultz8276 The officer should have shot the scum bag and it would have saved the tax payers a hole lot of money by not giving him 3 hots and a cot. I think the news people should keep the camera off any chase no matter what. If it was not for them this world would be a better place and the scum bags would think agian about what can happen to them when they get they get put down. tonyherc It's only fair, don't the feds investigate every time a gangbanger gets over on us, this way we are able to sue him, his employer, take his home, his pension..... Forget that he just jeopardize the civil rights of thousands...Parole violations ooh noooo, does this mean he'll have to go back where he belonged in the first place???? sicilian93 Sounds like a distraction kick to me. This is a high risk situation and they were dealing with a violent offender. Force doesn't always look pretty but is often necessary in these situations. Looks to me like the officer did a great job. I just hope the media doesn't spend too much time dragging him through the mud. postal1 After careful review, I would have done the same thing, disorientate the subject so he does have time to pull a weapon. You just never know what these people will do. Of course we can all gloss over the fact that driving at high speed and almost hitting an innocent person in the pickup truck and possibly killing that poor soul is not part of what should be considered. After all, even perps can make mistakes in judgement. Or that fact that the vehicle may have been stolen, perhaps with a child in the back like has happened in the past. He will probably be able to sue for 12 million and the cop will be fired, so I stand by my first gut reaction, shoot first. rcarroll I agree that it is edited. I would like to hear what was said to the gang banger just before the kick. From my training it appears that the suspect was not looking down but watching the feet of the officer. You get them to turn the head away from you to make the approach. Throws off the possible attack. Being pumped up and non compliance makes a bad combination. cheezit1604 SMH. The law is not strict enough, nor are disciplinary actions! If people would quit being so "humane", there'd be a lot less crime to worry about in the world. I hope the officer comes out of this unscathed and the hoodlum's pity party is cut short. Carrie48 I totally agree with jmmartim. AMEN! postal1 Gee Whiz, the FBI has been bought by the ACLU? Our tax dollars being wasted protecting a perp! Next time, shoot before the helios get there........... tacguy My only comment is that the clip has parts edited out, which may or may not be relevant to the investigation. larryt700 No monday morning quarterbacking here. jmmartin I hate the fact that this is getting dragged out. I hope the Officer comes out of all of this OK. I know that we have a professional standard to hold ourselves to, but if a few more of these gang bangers would have got their ass's beat as children, we might not have the high numbers that we have today. It kills me that society is so quick with the knee jerk reaction to point fingers. Wait until one of these hypocrits is the victim of a gang realted crime; I want to see how quickly they come to support the bastards then. OK.... I'm done. fplasencia
The FBI is the... They -as anyone here- have a task to accomplish, which may not necessarily be pleasant everyone... This is, basically, old news. I have seen this video and even participated in an intense discussion related to tactical training in adrenaline control. If this teaches everyone here anything, is that the use of force and adrenaline control are directly related like numbers in a mathematical equation. How one solves that equation is what will dictate the outcome. I will not rate the article. ScubaOne I think high speed chases and running across citzens yards puts others at risk. The gang member gets a kick to the head, and it the police are beating him up. What if he has shot someone's partner of an FBI agent that happened to be in the area. Then it would be a different story. I agree the he has rights. But if the officer arrived there before back up he did what he had to do make it safe to cuff this guys before back up arrived. I know back up was there shorly there after the kick. I could edit a tape to make it look that way too. I will wait for the out come to come about, and pray that officer will be cleared of wrong doing. We have all made an error at some point in the heat of a situation. Sheriff_1 We have to play by the rules no matter what the situation. Only time, and dealing with federal government could be forever, will show all. suprtrkr Heres another one. Nothing being said on the gang member involved in a high speed chase and then running after wrecking. Nope cause thats not the issue. The true issue is that this poor helpless gang member has rights and he should not have been kicked. Who cares how many people he hurt during the chase or other times. Makes me sick to know that we don't have rights anymore. servingproud We will all have to wait till the fed's are finished. Should take about 2-3 yrs......... Hawaii_Collector You have to admit, the video looks bad for the officer. It doesn't matter who it is, even if its a POS child molester. When a suspect surrenders he surrenders. Professionalism and restraint is the key to a long career now a days. If you don't have it, you better look for a new career. Personally, I think the FBI got better things to do than to investigate cops. They should be going after corruption cases not error in judgement cases. But incidents like this sway public opinion against the Police. And naturally the call to do something about what is viewed as police brutality results in the call for the FBI to investigate. I hope it works out for the officer. Fastfreddy If I did what this guy did and had a record I would be expecting a kick in the head for being a moron and in my house growing up their were harsh consequences for not following the rules maybe the parents of this wonderful citizen should have nipped this in the bud. I have a great idea... DON"T RUN! if I recall correctly the gangs beat their members in so maybe the officer was just trying to show him a little love. 1Tinman I believe the officer rushed in when he should have stayed back and waited for the backup he must have known was close. He made a tactical mistake... haven't we all? Unfortunately, this tactical mistake led to a use of force issue. The extent of his discipline should be largely based on his past history: Is he a good officer that made a mistake, or does he have a long history of these types of incidents? I don't know the answer to that but I hope his admin (or the FBI now), looks at this fairly and objectively without letting politics interfere. Some video does not tell the story, some does. This one tells us one thing for sure: The officer did not wait for backup to properly handle a felony prone situation. Beyond that, I'm holding judgment. Willsnipeforfood If the officer acted with in that policy then the FBI can pound salt. Unfortunately, we are in a new age in L.E. and public opinion is given a lot of weight in determining the tactics we use or have used. rod3245 None of us that were not there should have or voice any opinions based solely of the video. As we all know, there is much more there than an video tape could possibly show. I worked in the county that bordered Milwaukee County WI, and we learned many years ago that even if you can't see or hear the news chopper, that doesn't mean they are not there. rod3245 I am afriad to admit it but I think we will see much more of this now considering the liberal Supreme Court and current administration. copper90 "FBI u suck I am sure the terrorists thank you for giving them a break while you look at a cop. Oh yeah you arnt cops so its easy for you to do it, no blue line there" Really, is this appropriate? First, if it wasn't the FBI investigating civil rights violations, it would be some other entity. You may hate the fact that the investigations have to occur, but they must in our society. And, the FBI depends on the rest of the law enforcement community to assist in the counterterrorism fight, so if they remove a bad apple (not making any judgment on this situation) from those ranks and replace it with a more competent officer, they really are furthering the fight against terrorism. Is that a far-flung assessment? No more wild than "Solo_un_amico"'s that the FBI's 30,000+ employee can't multi-task their investigative abilities. And, if Solo_un_amico's "blue line" means letting officers get away with illegal activity rather than having a commitment to high moral standards, I don't think the FBI would want anything to do with his/her drooping, below-minimum standard blue line. hcmo637 Ill agree with most everyone....The video looks bad. But it is real easy for alot of us from our desk to sit back and Monday Morning Quarterback any situation, when we werent there. I think we all would have had to been in that exact situation, and know exactly what was going on before we can judge this officers actions. kaalima The video didn't look good, however I think the totality of the circumstances really need to be looked at before passing judgement. I mean I wasn't there,nor do I know what this officer saw, or his previous dealings with this person. ... just my 2 cent dmellonhead Video from the chopper looks bad.....But I wasnt there and neither were ya'll......We dont truly know what was happening on the ground. greenfish there are a couple of ways to look at this incident. The public view when police use force is always for the most part going to be negative. From the police point of view, this particular banger did not simply surrender as he did in fact elude police for some time. Once on the ground, could this man have been armed, could he have been setting an ambush. Remember action always beats re-action. Sheepdog267 Will the Justice Dept. pursue civil rights violations committed by the suspect as he endangered the lives of innocent folks while fleeing the police? hbg522 yeah they are coming out of the wood work i see on this one brockwaymj I agree with chiefmillan there has to be a line. This officer has a history that puts into question everything. I have said before that I can eccept a cop that makes a mistake that is what makes good cops great cops but a cop that plays on both sides of the fence is someone that we do not need. It only takes one bad cop to make us all look bad. Ethical decision making begins when you put the uniform on for the first time and continues through out your life until your death. It's hard to be a good cop even harder to be a great cop. ctansber Watched this one on the news as it was occurring. I wouldn't wanna second guess a guy who is actually in the mix, but this one didn't look good. I hope it works well for the coppers in the end. Whalewatcher In So. California, everyone has cameras, everywhere. Control and restraint are at a premium during times like this, no matter what the POS did. We have seen these kinds of incidents so much in the past that we must learn from them. I hope the officer had good cause for the kick, and he may well have due to his perspective, which was closer than the aerial camera. ERIC675220 Shoot Cops, spit on them ,hit them......but oh my gosh dont lay a hand on a gangbanger who if the chance presented itself would put a bullet in any cops head!!!!!!!!!! |