ASU to check citizenship papers! Heil Hitler the police state is here!


ASU will begin checking citizenship starting this fall

by Heather Cutler

published on Friday, January 26, 2007

ASU is going to begin checking the citizenship status of all students when they enroll in the fall.

Proposition 300, which passed in November, affects tuition rates for undocumented students and prevents them from receiving state-related monies including grants, tuition waivers, financial aid and other forms of assistance.

The Arizona Board of Regents discussed some of the minor changes they would have to make to accommodate the new policy at a meeting in the Memorial Union Thursday.

ABOR is the governing body that sets tuition and fees for the three instate universities.

"Not much has changed," said history and political science senior Ed Hermes, who is the voting student regent.

President Michael Crow said ASU would follow whatever policies ABOR sets.

"We're going to comply with the law," he said.

Hermes said that while he did not support Proposition 300, it is time for the University to follow its guidelines.

Still, it will be tough to sort through the 120,000 full-time students who attend the three state universities.

"The struggle is in the implementation," Hermes said. "I think it is unrealistic, but we have to do it."

Both Crow and Hermes said they are supporters of the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act.

The DREAM Act, if passed, would grant students temporary legal status while attending Arizona universities.

"We need to pass the DREAM Act," Hermes told the other regents during the meeting. "[Illegal immigrant students] were brought here by no willingness of their own."

The University will not be able to determine which students are attending school legally until fall 2007, Hermes said.

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