Public Law
108-458 limits the number of replacement
social security cards you can get to 10 in a life time
and 3 in any given
year. I am not sure if this is the Patriot Act or just
one of those other police state like laws passed after
PUBLIC LAW 108–458—DEC. 17, 2004 INTELLIGENCE REFORM AND TERRORISM PREVENTION ACT OF 2004 SEC. 7213. SOCIAL SECURITY CARDS AND NUMBERS. (a) SECURITY ENHANCEMENTS.—The Commissioner of Social Security shall— (1) not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act— (A) restrict the issuance of multiple replacement social security cards to any individual to 3 per year and 10 for the life of the individual, except that the Commissioner may allow for reasonable exceptions from the limits under this paragraph on a case-by-case basis in compelling circumstances; (B) establish minimum standards for the verification of documents or records submitted by an individual to establish eligibility for an original or replacement social security card, other than for purposes of enumeration at birth; and (C) require independent verification of any birth record submitted by an individual to establish eligibility for a social security account number, other than for purposes |