Only terrorist criminals buy more then $2,500 worth of money orders!
I was at the Circle K on Dobson and Southern in Mesa this morning and they have some officil company ads printed on 8 1/2 by 11 paper pasted to the outside windows. The main thing I noticed was the part that said they would gladly sell you up to $2,500 in money orders per day, but not one cent more, and it cited the Patriot Act as the reason. So I guess my tag line is true because per the Patriot Act and any one who buys more then $2,500 a day in money orders is a criminal. And probably a felon that can be punished with many years in prison for the victimless crime of buying $2,500.01 worth of money orders in one day. The top part of the ad pushed the Arizona Lottory and the bottom part had a bunch of politically correct stuff about safety and disibilities. Like it or not the Amerikan police state is here. Heil Hitler, Heil George W. Bush! Obey! |